WCR Data Processing and Data Format
Real-Time DSP
WCR is software controlled and all outputs are recorded in digital form by the Data Acquisition System (DAQ). WCR DAQ performs the following operations depending on the operational mode:Processing
- Pulse averaging
- Calibrate received power in mW
- Pulse-pair processing
- 8- to 512-point FFT and power spectrum calculation
- Stores data on a hard disk in custom WCR format
- Outputs
- Noise channels (H and V receivers)
- Transmitted power samples (approx. 35 samples per second)
- Backscatter Data Profiles (algorithm dependent, see below)
- Maximum number of recorded profiles per second (pps) depends on the algorithm (typically between 20 and 40 pps)
Post Flight Processing
- After a flight the data are archived in WCR format.
Post flight processing is available for:
- Quality control of the radar performance
- Producing reflectivity images in dBZ (based on preliminary calibration
Images of corrected Doppler velocity in m/s.
Images are available on the WCR project web page - Visualization of reflectivity, uncorrected/corrected mean Doppler velocity
Post Experiment Processing
- Transform the Doppler data to ground-relative coordinates: remove velocity components due to aircraft motion
- Calculate WCR products(Z,Doppler velocity,ZDR,LDR,depending on the operational mode)
- Level 1 (L1) and level 2 (L2) processed products are archived in NetCDF format
- The final data products are usually ready for further analysis and distribution no later than 2-3 months after an experiment.
Data Format
- WCR L1 NetCDF prototype data product description
- WCR L2 NetCDF prototype data product description
Data Availability
- Data from past experiments are available to researchers upon