ATSC 2000 Lab 9:
Weather-Satellite Images

This lab comprises three parts:

Part I: Introduction

Summarizes some basic information about satellite images that students must know before attempting this exercise. However, this information is not enough; the references cited below (for example) provide additional necessary background.

Part II: Background Questions

Asks students a series of questions to test their grasp of basic concepts needed to interpret visible and infrared satellite images. Answers to these questions are provided.

Part III: Image Interpretation Exercise

Asks students to apply their knowledge to interpret what they see in a variety of satellite images, including a series recorded one day in February on the West Coast of the U.S.
To begin the lab exercise immediately, click on the "START" button. For further information, read on.

In this exercise, you apply basic concepts about solar and terrestrial radiation, plus common-sense knowledge about basic physical properties of clouds and of land and ocean surfaces, to interpret visible and infrared satellite images. It assumes that you have already been introduced generally to weather satellites and weather satellite images, and in more detail to basic concepts about solar and terrestrial radiation and the basic laws of radiation. Therefore, you should be familiar with Chapter 2 of the textbook "Meteorology Today", 6th Edition, by D.C. Ahrens.

Background reading

The following background information is needed to prepare you to do this lab:

You can start the exercise at any time by clicking on the "START" button. Please note that when you start the lab exercise, a new browser window will open without the familiar browser menu bars. You can always return to this page by selecting the "Exit" button.

Address questions and comments to Bart Geerts

Acknowledgements: this lab was developed by Dr. Dave Dempsey, Dept. of Geosciences, San Francisco State University